People urged to get free STI test as rates reach highest in country

Brighton and Hove City Council are supporting Brighton and Hove STI Testing Week, running from November 4 to 10.


People are being urged to have tests for STIs as rates of sexually transmitted diseases reach the highest in the country. Brighton and Hove City Council is supporting Brighton and Hove STI Testing Week, November 4 to 10. It aims to encourage sexually active residents to get tested for sexually transmitted infections.

According to Public Health England figures Brighton has higher rates of STIs than the rest of the UK at 1,141 per 100,000 residents. READ MORE: Young couple describe mould-infested accommodation in Kemp Town This compares with a rate of 694 per 100,000 in England and 933 per 100,000 in Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Councillor Tristram Burden, cabinet member for adult social care, public health and service transformation, said: “Sexually transmitted infections are not uncommon among people who are sexually active.

Our city has higher rates than our neighbours, and the nation. “I’m calling on people to be mindful of their own health and the health of others and get tested regularly to be sure you’re STI free. You can have an STI without knowing it and the best way to find out is by testing.

“Brighton and Hove’s Sexual Health and Contraception Service (SHAC) is free, confidential and open to everyone.” If you are over 18, you can order an online testing pack from SHAC or you can use the community testing clinic at Terrence Higgins Trust in Ship Street..