Pensioners face ‘bitter winter’ if winter fuel cut goes ahead, Labour MPs warned

Pensioners will face a “bitter winter” if a cut to fuel payments goes ahead, Labour MPs have been warned ahead of a crunch vote in the House of Commons tomorrow. ]]>


Pensioners will face a “bitter winter” if a cut to fuel payments goes ahead, Labour MPs have been warned ahead of a crunch vote in the House of Commons tomorrow. Stephen Flynn, the SNP’s leader in Westminster, has laid down a political challenge to Labour’s 37 Scottish MPs to vote against the cut. Mr Flynn said in a letter to Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar that Sir Keir Starmer had made a “political choice” to scrap winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners.

He argued the Government “doesn’t need to wield the axe and make these cuts” and urged Labour MPs to “do the right thing” and vote against the policy. He said: “The last UK government hammered the economy, public services and household incomes by imposing fourteen years of cuts and Brexit. The last thing the UK needs now is more cuts from the Labour Party - and pensioners will face a bitter winter if these cuts go ahead.

” Sir Keir’s huge majority in the Commons means the policy will almost certainly go ahead but numerous Labour MPs have spoken out against the move as the Prime Minister faces the threat of a rebellion. You can follow the latest updates below and join the conversation in the comments section . Sir Keir Starmer “wipes the floor” with all five Tory leadership hopefuls on the question of who would be the best prime minister, according to a new Savanta poll.

James Cleverly, the former home secretary, received the highest score among the Tory contenders but even he was far behind Sir Keir. The poll, conducted between Aug 30 and Sept 1, placed the five contenders in head-to-head contests against Sir Keir and asked voters who would make the best premier. The results were as follows: Cleverly (23%), Starmer (47%), Don't Know (30%) Tugendhat (22%), Starmer (47%), Don't Know (31%) Jenrick (20%), Starmer (48%), Don't Know (32%) Badenoch (20%), Starmer (49%), Don't Know (32%) Stride (16%), Starmer (48%), Don't Know (36%) Chris Hopkins, political research director at Savanta, said: “Even accounting for incumbent prime ministers having a natural advantage on this metric, this research shows that Starmer wipes the floor with all the prospective Conservative leaders on who the public thinks would make the best PM.

"Our research continues to suggest there isn't an obvious Conservative leader who could win an election in the public's eye - yet. It also serves as a reminder that despite a challenging few weeks for Labour, they're only really at risk when the Conservatives get their act together. That certainly won’t happen until a new leader is in place, and isn’t a given even then.

" Pensioners will face a “bitter winter” if a cut to fuel payments goes ahead, Labour MPs have been warned ahead of a crunch vote in the House of Commons tomorrow. Stephen Flynn, the SNP’s leader in Westminster, has laid down a political challenge to Labour’s 37 Scottish MPs to vote against the cut. Mr Flynn said in a letter to Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar that Sir Keir Starmer had made a “political choice” to scrap winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners and urged Labour MPs to "do the right thing” and vote against the policy.

He wrote:.