Peace lilies can die if major mistake is made but can be saved with ‘magic’ 20-minute task

It can be alarming if a peace lily begins wilting and the leaves turn yellow but this is due to one simple mistake most houseplant owners make - and can be fixed quickly as long as you know what to do.


Peace lilies are beautiful houseplants which are usually easy to care for, but putting them in the wrong spot in your home can leave them to become very stressed and damaged. It may sound strange but peace lilies need to be kept off windowsills as they are sensitive to direct light, which means placing them too close to a window will dry out the plant and can even burn the leaves. One man discovered this for himself when he accidentally placed his girlfriend’s peace lilly directly in the sun all day and took to Reddit ’s Plant Clinic forum for help.

The man wrote: “I am rearranging the furniture in our apartment and this plant unfortunately got set down and forgotten in front of the sliding door. Entirely my fault and I feel so bad for hurting one of her plants !” After the man posted a picture of the wilting plant, many houseplant lovers on the form assured him that it was very easy to revive the plant and get it healthy again in 20 minutes. It turns out the best way to fix a peace lily that has gotten too much sun is to thoroughly water it as it is likely dehydrated.

One user wrote: “They’re dramatic plants. Just give her some water and no more full sun.” Another person said: “These are notorious for being dramatic.

Deep water soak for like twenty minutes, and let her dry out in a not-so-sunny spot. She should be fine, might drop leaves though.” Someone else added: “I hope the drama queen perks back up.

Sometimes they can take a while to perk back up, don’t lose hope. Give her some time after a good watering.” All you have to do is place the plant in the sink or in a bowl with a few inches of water for at least 20 minutes but you can also leave it longer until the water is gone.

Doing this will allow the roots to absorb the water they need and make sure the soil can drain thoroughly so it does not become waterlogged. Next, make sure to place the plant near a window where it can get indirect light but make sure not to place it on the windowsill. Peace lilies grow in the shaded floors of tropical rainforests in the wild, and direct sunlight will increase the rate of evaporation which will damage the plant.

The best place in the home to put a peace lily is near a north or east-facing window as it will get more of the gentle morning sunlight while being shady enough to protect the peace lily from the harsher afternoon sun. Make sure to also keep peace lilies away from radiators, drafty areas in the home and hot appliances such as a air fryer or microwave as extreme temperatures will also dry the plant out. After moving the peace lily to a shaded spot, the man updated his post and shared that his girlfriend was able to save the plant so it went back to its healthy green state.

The man wrote: “[Girlfriend] came home and worked her magic (soaked the plant overnight) and it looks like nothing ever happened! A few dead leaves, but she’s definitely perked up!”.