Patama declines IOC Presidency bid, offers support to all seven contenders

Khunying Patama Leeswadtrakul, a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has declined calls to contest for IOC presidency and has offered her full support to all seven candidates.


Khunying Patama Leeswadtrakul , a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has declined calls to contest for IOC presidency and has offered her full support to all seven candidates. Despite being approached by several parties, Khunying Patama said she has opted out of the race for the position of the IOC president to succeed current chief Thomas Bach, citing her numerous current responsibilities. The election will be held at the IOC Session in Athens, Greece, which runs from March 18-21 next year.

Khunying Patama however expressed her support for the seven candidates running for the role, all of whom she knows personally and believes are capable of leading the organisation forward. “I am pleased to support all seven candidates, as I know them personally and hold them in high regard. Each one is knowledgeable and capable of advancing the IOC’s mission,” Khunying Patama said.

Khunying Patama also emphasised her desire to continue supporting the IOC in other capacities. The seven candidates for the IOC presidency are:.