Pages: 6 lessons I wished I learned early in life


1. To Accept What I Cannot Control One of the most liberating lessons in life is understanding the difference between what I can and cannot control. When I was younger, I wasted energy trying to influence outcomes that were entirely out of my hands.

And then I came across this prayer of St. Francis of Assisi that changed me: “Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” With this, I’m able to focus on the things I can change, which has not only reduced stress but also increased my productivity and peace of mind.

2. To Put Things in Proper Perspective In the grand scheme of life, not everything is as serious, real or permanent as it seems in the moment. I used to magnify small problems, allowing them to consume my thoughts with worry.

Learning to put things in proper perspective has helped me remain grounded. I now ask myself, “Will this matter in a week, a month, a year or in 50 years?” This paradigm shift has saved me from unnecessary anxiety, stress and sleepless nights. 3.

To Live in the Present Moment It’s easy to dwell on the past or anxiously plan for the future, but the present is the only moment we can fully experience. I regret the times I spent focused elsewhere when I could have been savoring the now. Living in the present moment has improved my quality of life.

It has taught me to be mindful and to appreciate the beauty in everyday experiences, especially with people. 4. To Practice Self-Discipline Discipline is the key to a successful life; it’s the bridge between goals and achievement.

When I was younger, I often gave in to distractions and procrastination, thinking I had plenty of time. I now realize that consistent self-discipline is a cornerstone of success. Practicing discipline has not only helped me reach my goals but also built my confidence, knowing that I can rely on myself to follow through on commitments and projects.

5. To Manage My Emotions Emotions are powerful, but they should not dictate our actions. In my early years, I often allowed frustration or anger to guide my decisions, which rarely ended well.

Learning to manage my emotions has been crucial in maintaining healthier relationships, making better decisions, and staying level-headed during challenging times. This doesn’t mean suppressing feelings but rather acknowledging them without letting them take over. 6.

To Accept Personal Responsibility Taking full responsibility for my life—my actions, my decisions, and their consequences—has been transformative. In my youth, I suffered from an inferiority complex and lack of confidence. But I didn’t succumb to them.

I took up bodybuilding, speech lessons and personality development classes which changed my life for the better. Being a lifelong learner is the driving force behind my personal growth. Each of these lessons came with time, experience, and sometimes hardship.

I only wish I had learned them earlier in life, but I am grateful for their impact now. The earlier we embrace these truths, the more fulfilling and intentional our lives can become. Good luck!.