Representative image JAMMU: Two habitual offenders, including an overground worker (OGW) affiliated with a proscribed outfit, were booked under the Public Safety Act and sent to Jammu’s Kot Bhalwal Jail, police said Wednesday. The arrested accused were identified as OGW Mohammad Abbas from Malhar in Kathua’s Dher Billawar area and Farman Ali from Gota Rahua, Marheen, in Kathua. Abbas was involved in several criminal cases registered at Malhar PS, while Farman was engaged in bovine smuggling and other crimes registered at Rajbagh PS, police said.
The arrests were made by a team of Kathua Police under the supervision of Kathua SSP Shobhit Saxena. In 2024, action was taken against 827 OGWs and 180 were detained under PSA, Jammu Police had earlier stated..