Orchids will bloom brilliantly and stay healthy if you avoid 1 easy mistake before winter

Orchids need a little more attention once summer ends as it is very easy for houseplant owners do accidentally kill this plant if they do not make some simple routine adjustments.


One big mistake houseplant owners make if watering orchids too much once the weather gets colder (Image: Getty) Orchids are popular houseplants due to their long sleek blooms, but as the weather gets colder these delicate plants will need a bit more care to avoid hurting them. It is incredibly easy to damage or accidentally kill orchids in autumn as many houseplant owners do not realise they have to adjust their routine and reduce the amount they are watering the plant . How to avoid damaging orchids in autumn Make sure to avoid overwatering An expert from Love Orchids said: “As with most plants, orchids require much less water than they do in the warmer summer months.

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Log('[Load] OVP flagTcfLoaded',new Date())}else{document.addEventListener("tcfLoaded",()=>{loadOvpScript()ExpressApp.Log('[Load] OVP tcfLoaded',new Date())})}},1500)}) READ MORE: Orchids bloom amazingly like clockwork with 1 kitchen scrap that can’t be beaten Help orchids stay humid by placing a humidity tray next to them (Image: Getty) “With overwatering being the most common cause of root rot in orchids, it's very important to reduce your watering as soon as the temperature starts to drop.

” Once summer ends orchids require much less water, and overwatering will damage the root, spread disease and even attract pests. Instead, check orchids before watering them by sticking a finger into the soil, and if it feels damp then wait a few more days. You can also lift the plant pot to see if an orchid needs to be watered as if it feels heavy then it is still holding moisture and likely does not need to be watered yet.

Make sure to regularly inspect your orchids' roots to make sure you are not overwatering the plant, and if they are becoming discoloured, soft or slimy then it is a sign you are watering them too much. Keep orchids humid by making a simple DIY tray Another common mistake orchid owners make is leaving the plant dry out as they require a humid environment to stay healthy. As the weather gets colder more people will have their radiators on which can dry out room and damage orchids, but you can help fix this by making a ‘humidity tray’ which will increase the humidity levels around the plant.

The expert from Love Orchids said: “Simply fill a shallow bowl or saucer with a layer of pebbles or stones. Place your orchid on top of the pebbles, then fill the tray with water, ensuring the water doesn't reach the bottom of the pot. Trending Orchids should be placed in the best spot in the home (Image: Getty) SUBSCRIBE Invalid email We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you.

This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. Read our Privacy Policy As the water begins to evaporate, it will humidify the air directly around the plant.

This is a great low cost and easy option to help replicate the natural tropical environment of your plant.” Make sure orchids are in the best spot to get enough sunlight Since the days are about to get darker it is essential to make sure orchids are placed in the best spot in the home to make sure they stay happy. Orchids to best when they are in indirect sunlight as the harsh afternoon sun can risk scorching the plant’s sensitive leaves.

The expert from Love Orchids said: “Remember to not place your orchid on any window sills that would put your plant in too much direct light, perhaps choose an east-facing window for optimal lighting.” Placing orchids near an east-facing window means they will receive the morning sunlight, which is gentle and moderate enough to suit the plants' needs without it suffering from leaf burn. In most areas, the east-facing window also gets enough consistent light throughout the year so orchids will have enough light to keep them strong and thriving throughout the harsher colder months.
