Orchids and peace lilies will bloom bigger flowers if fed 1 kitchen scrap plants love

Houseplants need to be fed in spring to get the nutrients they need to flower, and you can give peace lilies or orchids a natural boost with a simple food leftover.


Peace lilies and orchids are some of the most popular houseplants due to their ease of care, but they still need to be fertilised if you want them to bloom properly. Spring marks the growing season for most plants, and they will need extra nutrients to help enhance their flower production. Jilana Thomas, an expert from Feel Grounded , said: "Maintaining the soil’s nutrients during the growing season will also help plants grow stronger and healthier, building their resistance to stress and disease.

” However, you do not have to spend lots of supplements as you can easily make houseplant feed yourself using only leftover scraps in your kitchen. A straightforward way to help houseplants flower is to feed them rice water. Rice water is rich in many nutrients plants need to grow, as well as starch vitamins and amino acids that will encourage better flowering.

Jilana said: “[Rice water is] great for adding nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in addition to healthy bacteria and sugars. Different rice types have varying nutrient values, but any type would be beneficial for your plants! Mix it up with whatever you have on hand.” Rice water will also help stimulate root development and improve soil health.

It is gentler to give houseplants the necessary nutrients without using chemical or synthetic fertilisers. To begin, save the water left over after cooking rice. Make sure to only use water with no salt or seasonings on it.

Wait for the water to cool, then place it in a jar with a lid. It can be stored at room temperature for up to five days. When feeding it to houseplants, mix it with one part rice water and three parts clean tap water.

It is essential to dilute rice water, as it has a high concentration of nutrients. If fed to plants undiluted, the nutrients will be too potent and could burn the roots. Feed your orchids or peace lilies this rice water feed mixed with water once every four weeks in spring and summer to help give them a boost.

With this simple fertiliser supplement, your plants should grow stronger and healthier and produce more flowers..