Opinion: Will you be able to explain to your grandchildren why you supported Trump?

They're likely to want answers.


He criticized and degraded John McCain, a true American hero. He said he didn’t want to be seen with combat veteran amputees because it didn’t look good for him. He called our fallen heroes who lost their lives defending our country “ suckers and losers ” while refusing to visit their graves in Normandy because it was raining.

Most recently he desecrated the sacred ground at Arlington National Cemetery for a cheap campaign photo opportunity. He and running mate JD Vance participated in crafting Project 2025 , which calls for a reduction in veterans benefits and the closing of several VA hospitals. Yet when he talks about his support for our men and women in uniform you chose to believe him and conclude that Gen.

Kelly, Gen. Mattis and other decorated combat veterans are liars. Only Donald J.

Trump speaks the truth. Jack Cashman is a resident of Hampden. He mocked a disabled reporter for cheap laughs and even though you saw it with your own eyes, you don’t believe it happened because he says he didn’t do it.

You saw him incite an insurrection on live television, but he says the people who destroyed property, beat police officers, defecated and urinated in the halls of our Capitol are patriots and you believe that as well. He has been indicted by four different grand juries in four different states, convicted in civil court of molesting a woman, plus found guilty of fraud on three occasions. He has been convicted of 34 felonies by a prosecutor and jury completely unconnected to the Department of Justice, yet you believe him when he says he has done nothing wrong, and this is all Joe Biden “weaponizing” the justice system.

The 12 jurors who convicted him were jointly chosen by the prosecutor and Trump’s high-priced attorneys. All his defense attorneys had to do was get one of the 12 not to vote to convict, yet after hearing all the evidence the vote to convict was unanimous 34 times. Perhaps the worst thing he has done is to cast doubts among many Americans about the validity of our electoral process and the rule of law.

With zero proof he has convinced you that the election was rigged, making a large segment of the population question our electoral process, which has been renowned around the world as the fairest, most honest process on the planet. Fox “News” paid a huge settlement for joining in the lie while admitting under oath that they lied. Rudy Giuliani also admitted under oath that he lied, but you continue to believe the election was stolen simply because Trump says so.

You also believe the justice system is weaponized against him and he has done nothing wrong. He says it, so it must be true. As you continue to support and vote for this man as the convictions pile up and his agenda threatens an end to our democracy, perhaps you can think of a way to explain to your children and grandchildren why you supported such a man.

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