Opinion: Portland letter writers endorse on Nov. 5 vote

Three new city councilors will be elected next month.


Support Todd Morse for Portland City Council Looking for a leader with an evidence-based focus on concrete solutions for local issues? Join me in supporting Robert Todd Morse for District 1 City Councilor. In 2022, the state passed housing law L.D.

2003 to address the root causes of Maine’s housing crisis, allowing modest density and incentivizing affordable housing. When Portland’s proposed language to comply with L.D.

2003 didn’t take full advantage of the law, Todd organized support around four simple amendments that would make Portland a leader in addressing the state’s housing crisis. Todd built a consensus around these changes, analyzing and presenting data to explain their benefit, and mobilizing a diverse coalition of community members to speak in support that included renters, homeowners, developers of affordable housing and leaders from both Portland’s DSA Chapter and the Chamber of Commerce. Todd’s cool head, steady hand, and proven track record make him the right choice to represent Portland’s District 1.

Amy Oberlin Portland Support Nancy English for District 2 City Council I will vote for Nancy English for District 2 City Council this November with respect for her integrity and the certainty that she is someone we can trust. She and I are members of a group of friends who met decades ago at a red banquette in Forest Gardens. We assembled on Friday evenings, ready to fill the bar with cheerful noise and wide-ranging discussion of everything under the sun.

Nancy’s work experience has included an 11-year stint in the city’s legal department and she understands how the council operates. She has conducted her campaign in a thoughtful manner, talking with social agencies, residents and business owners and listening attentively to all. Most importantly, for me, Nancy loves living in District 2 and I am confident that she is strongly committed to ensuring the safety and security of everyone.

Please join me in giving her our vote. Caroline Teschke Portland Endorsing Ben Grant for At-Large City Councilor Portland needs leaders with a bold vision and experience to get things done regarding housing, sustainability and public transportation. Portland needs Ben Grant as its next At-Large city councilor.

Ben’s experience, ranging from Portland’s school board to decades of experience in state politics, makes him uniquely qualified to serve our city. Already, he has brought his knowledge of the state education landscape to bear in his service as a school board member – helping to inform, guide and collaborate with his colleagues. I can only imagine what he can accomplish for Portlanders of all backgrounds on the City Council on affordability and quality of life issues.

Ben’s experience, strong values and longtime commitment to making meaningful progress set him apart from a crowded field. I invite those who want a councilor who knows how to get things done to join me in making Ben Grant our first choice for Portland’s City Council At-Large seat. Markos Miller Portland Lookner has the guts and experience that the City Council needs Grayson Lookner is a dauntless advocate and an effective leader.

As a state legislator, Grayson ensured that cities across Maine could meet the needs of their unhoused neighbors. As a result, Lewiston is moving forward with a shelter that will not only relieve pressure on Portland’s system but keep people from becoming uprooted from their communities. In Portland, Grayson was integral in securing a state commitment for a critical piece of traffic infrastructure that had been stalled for a decade but is now moving forward with a $22,400,000 in federal grant money.

Grayson will take the same can-do attitude to the City Council as a champion of social housing, which is a proven model to keep Portland’s workers in Portland. He has shown how to work with different levels of government and he has the guts, determination and experience to get it done. Zachary Barowitz Portland Letters to the editor may be submitted via our online letters form; directly, via email, to letterstotheeditor@mainetoday.

com; or by postal mail to: Letters to the editor, Portland Press Herald, 295 Gannett Drive, South Portland, ME 04106. Letters of political endorsement may be no longer than 150 words and will not be published after Nov. 1.

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