One person in England dies as a result of E.Coli outbreak

E.coli are a group of bacteria which are found in the lining of the human gut, however, some E.coli bacteria can cause serious illness


Last week, it was confirmed that at least 86 people have now been admitted to hospital as a result of an E. coli outbreak linked to lettuce. Darren Whitby, head of incidents at the Food Standards Agency said: “Several sandwich manufacturers have now taken precautionary action to withdraw and recall various sandwiches, wraps, subs and rolls, as food chain and epidemiological links have enabled us to narrow down a wide range of foods consumed to a small number of salad leaves that have been used in these products.

“This remains a complex investigation and we continue to work at pace with the relevant businesses and local authorities to ensure necessary steps are being taken to protect consumers. “Although we are confident in the source of the outbreak being linked to a small number of salad leaves, which we identified early on through extensive food chain analysis, work continues to identify the root cause of the outbreak with the growers, suppliers and manufacturers so that actions can be taken to prevent a re-occurrence. “We will remain vigilant until the root cause of the outbreak is confirmed and we are keeping an open mind about possible causes of the outbreak.

” E.coli are a group of bacteria which are found in the lining of the human gut, however, some E.coli bacteria can cause serious illness.

Most people contract an E.coli infection from consuming contaminated food or water and those who have the infection should recover in around 7 days. Navin Khosla, a pharm.