ON THIS DAY IN OUR HISTORY: How Ben and Joe foiled a robbery

TWO security guards told yesterday how they saved the Post and Telecommunication Corporation an undisclosed large amount of money on Friday when they became suspicious about a man carrying a bag out of the Port Moresby Post Office.The post ON THIS DAY IN OUR HISTORY: How Ben and Joe foiled a robbery appeared first on Post Courier.


TWO security guards told yesterday how they saved the Post and Telecommunication Corporation an undisclosed large amount of money on Friday when they became suspicious about a man carrying a bag out of the Port Moresby Post Office. Joe Pyakalyo and Benjamin Heri, of Lawa Security Services, were not even working in the Post Office, or in the Steamships main store where the Post Office is located. They were on duty across the road at the Mogoru Moto Building.

They said they watched a man wearing a PNG Armoured uniformed short walk into the Post Office and emerge with a money bag. But as soon as he came out he took off his shirt and handed the bag to another man, making them suspicious that a robbery was in progress. Mr Heri said there were four men standing together outside the Post Office but only the one in the PNG Armoured shirt walked in and picked up the money.

He said he became suspicious, walked across the road and grabbed the man with the bag. ‘’I was scared,“ he said, “but I walked up quickly behind the man and when I realized he had no weapon I grabbed him by his hands with the money bag and Joe helped me to take him to where we work and we locked him up. “While we were questioning him about the bag, suddenly the man who actually went in and got the money came charging in and said he worked for PNG Armoured and wanted his friend and the money released.

We beat him up and locked him away as well.” Mr Heri said a third person was also beaten up but later fled, while the fourth man had disappeared. About 20 minutes alter PTC workers and police arrived and took the two men, with himself and Mr Pyakalyo, to the police station for questioning.

Mr Heri said the bag contained six parcels of money which could not have been recovered if it had not been for himself and Mr Pyakalya. He felt they should be rewarded by the owners of the money. PNG Armoured confirmed yesterday that a man had used one of its uniforms in the Post Office robbery attempt.

A senior official said the uniform shirt used in the robbery had been stolen a year ago. He confirmed that six parcels of money had been recovered but he declined to say how much they contained. T o see this and access more stories from our 55 years old history from 1950’s – 2000’s, do visit our Post-Courier archive or email denaha@spp.

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