NZ’s Centre of Digital Excellence is bringing 18 games to PAX Aus 2024

Many of the games included are being publicly unveiled for the first time.


The , an organisation devoted to supporting independent game development, has confirmed it will bring 18 New Zealand-made games to PAX Aus 2024. Each game will be playable on the showfloor, with some even being shown publicly for the first time. Over the last few years, to elevate game creation in Dunedin and beyond, and this showcase should be a chance to see how their efforts have support creative, innovative new projects across New Zealand.

As announced, there will be some familiar names present in this PAX Aus 2024 showcase. Balancing Monkey Games will be around to show off , spiritual sequel to . The newly-announced burger-flipping sim will also be on show, as will , which fuses sci-fi action with traditional Indigenous Māori culture.

Here’s the full list of games appearing at PAX Aus 2024: You’ll be able to play all of these games at PAX Aus 2024, and meet the teams behind them. PAX Aus 2024 takes place in Melbourne, Australia from ..