NYT Mini Today: Hints, Clues And Answers For Friday, March 14

Looking for some help with today's NYT Mini crossword? In that case, the clues and answers are right here for you.


In case you missed Thursday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers here : Wondering what team signed Juan Soto to a record-breaking 15-year, $765 million contract? Not sure what a noted octet in higher education might be? Don’t worry, because I’m here to help you with some hints and the answers for today's NYT Mini crossword. The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper's larger and long-running crossword. Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.

Unlike its larger sibling, the NYT Mini crossword is free to play on the New York Times website or NYT Games app. However, you’ll need an NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archives. To help you avoid getting stuck and having to reveal missing letters, here are the NYT Mini Crossword hints and answers for Friday, March 14.

Spoilers lie ahead, so remember to scroll slowly : 1 Across: Female parent of a horse 4 Across: A type of shot in tennis 6 Across: Not heavy 7 Across: Like poison and grape 8 Across: Teacher’s _____, an educator’s favorite student 1 Down: A finger 2 Down: Feel compassion 3 Down: Sounds like Brooklyn’s NBA team 4 Down: Watch out for banana peels on the floor or you might do this 5 Down: Have an interesting life 1 Across: Hydroelectric project – DAM 4 Across: Piece of the pie – SLICE 6 Across: Concern for a basement apartment – LIGHT 7 Across: Noted octet in higher education – IVIES 8 Across: Fur-riend – PET 1 Down: Piece of the pi? – DIGIT 2 Down: Feel the pain – ACHE 3 Down: Team that signed Juan Soto to a record-breaking 15-year, $765 million contract – METS 4 Down: Mess (up) – SLIP 5 Down: Like podcasts with a studio audience, say – LIVE Completed NYT Mini crossword for Friday, March 14. New York Times It took me 0:46 to complete today's NYT Mini. Have to say, I didn’t love this one.

I know it’s a crossword puzzle from The New York Times , but it was a little too American-centric for my tastes in terms of references I didn’t totally get. I don’t think I would have figured out METS quickly without having a couple of the letters in place already, thanks to DAM and SLICE. I struggled with IVIES too, while I initially though LIGHT was “night.

” To find the right answers for 6 and 7 Across, I had to tinker with the middle two letters of SLIP (which I have to admit I didn’t figure out quickly either). Still, I can’t be too mad about a sub-minute time. See you in two weeks for more NYT Mini fun! Make sure to follow my blog for more coverage of the NYT Mini and other word games, as well as video game news, insights and analysis.

It helps me out a lot! Want to chat about the Mini, Connections and other NYT games? Join my Discord community!.