NYT Mini Today: Clues And Answers For Tuesday, March 11

Looking for some help with today's NYT Mini crossword? In that case, the clues and answers are right here for you.


Answers for today's NYT Mini Crossword are just ahead. In case you missed Monday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers here : Wondering what a format for an e-signed document might be? Not sure which word can come after flower and fire? Don’t worry, because I’m here to help you with some hints and the answers for today's NYT Mini crossword. The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper's larger and long-running crossword.

Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays. Unlike its larger sibling, the NYT Mini crossword is free to play on the New York Times website or NYT Games app. However, you’ll need an NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archives.

To help you avoid getting stuck and having to reveal missing letters, here are the NYT Mini Crossword hints and answers for Tuesday, March 11. Spoilers lie ahead, so remember to scroll slowly : 1 Across: A three-letter acronym for an Adobe Acrobat file 4 Across: What lots of athletes aim at on the regular 6 Across: The answer’s right there in the clue 7 Across: Such a person might prefer to use modified scissors or can openers 8 Across: A type of whiskey 1 Down: What an elected leader has 2 Down: Silly in a funny way 3 Down: Instrument Lizzo plays 4 Down: One associated with the Family Stone 7 Down: Not one of the guys, perhaps 1 Across: Format for many e-signed documents – PDF 4 Across: Aspirations – GOALS 6 Across: "This thesaurus is awful. Not only is it awful, it’s also ___!" (joke) – AWFUL 7 Across: Southpaw, by another name – LEFTY 8 Across: Deli bread variety – RYE 1 Down: Word after flower or fire – POWER 2 Down: Looney Tunes character with the catchphrase "You’re dethpicable!" – DAFFY 3 Down: What you might blow in, when you’re blowin’ in the wind? – FLUTE 4 Down: Actress Gadot – GAL 5 Down: Adjective for a fox – SLY Completed NYT Mini crossword for Tuesday, March 11 It took me 0:36 to complete today's NYT Mini.

I was so, so close to completing this quickly by getting all the Across clues on the first try. I messed up on the second one by guessing “hopes” instead of GOALS. But I was able to correct those errors quickly when I got to the Down words.

I have to say that 6 Across clue was, oddly enough, awful. It’s a pretty terrible joke! Can’t say I enjoyed it. DAFFY, meanwhile, refers to Daffy Duck.

See you tomorrow for more NYT Mini fun! Make sure to follow my blog for more coverage of the NYT Mini and other word games, as well as video game news, insights and analysis. It helps me out a lot! Want to chat about the Mini, Connections and other NYT games? Join my Discord community!.