NYT 'Connections' September 8: Answers, Clues for Game #455

Newsweek has some hints and tips to help you solve Sunday's Connections puzzle.


If you're struggling with Connections, is here to help with another round of hints and solutions for today's puzzle. Last year, launched the word-based game following the that the newspaper from , a Brooklyn-based software engineer. Like before it, Connections soon developed a dedicated following across the English-speaking world, with some players taking to social media daily to share their results along with advice.

Each day, players are presented with 16 words, which they are tasked with dividing into four categories based around common characteristics. The four categories are all color coded to show their difficulty, with yellow being the easiest then green, blue and purple. Players choose four words at a time and if they are connected, constituting one of the four categories, they light up and are removed from the board.

At this point, their color is also revealed, showing how difficult the quiz setters expected that set of connections to be. If a player guesses incorrect groups of words four times, the game ends and they are defeated. There is no time limit for the game.

At any point the player can shuffle the board resulting in the 16 words being randomly repositioned. According to Connections editor Wyna Liu, if you have five cards that all seem to belong in the same category your best move may be to try and figure out a different category, then come back to the original one once some of the words are eliminated. "Doing so might take one of those extra cards out of contention, or at least remove a few cards from the board, making other categories easier to see," she previously told the .

The answers for Sunday's Connections puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article, so please scroll down with caution if you want to work them out yourself. has some hints to help you figure out today's Connections categories. Think cooking.

Blood circulation. Related to religion. The word is followed by another one for young males.

VERBS IN A CAKE RECIPE BAKE, BEAT, FROST, PREHEAT WHAT A HEART DOES WHEN EXCITED POUND, PUMP, RACE, THROB ECCLESIASTICAL TITLES BISHOP, PASTOR, POPE, PRIOR _ BOYS BAD, BEACH, HARDY, PET SHOP Well, that was a fun one! Did you work out the answer? That's great if so, but please don't worry if you struggled. Connections isn't easy especially for beginner players. Practice makes perfect and the next Connections puzzle will be published by the on Monday.

will be back once again with another round of hints and tips..