Nutritionist shares 'negative-calorie' foods to speed up weight loss

One nutritionist has shared the top five 'negative-calorie' foods to include in your diet


Celery is on the list (Image: Pexels) A nutrition expert has spilled the beans on the ultimate "negative-calorie" foods that could be your secret weapon in shedding those stubborn pounds before you hit the beach this summer. With the countdown to sun, sea and sand ticking away, many are desperate to carve out that perfect beach bod. Enter the realm of "negative-calorie" foods - a group of grub so low in calories that your body supposedly burns more energy digesting them than they contain.

This means munching on these can lead to a calorie deficit, which is just what the doctor ordered for weight loss. Guna Bilande, a top nutritionist from Weight Loss Riga , has dished out her advice on how to weave these slimming superstars into your diet for the best results, reports Gloucestershire Live . Demystifying negative-calorie foods The term "negative-calorie" might sound like a dieter's dream, but it's not about food with less-than-zero calories.

Instead, Guna explains: "While no food technically has 'negative' calories, the concept refers to foods that are very low in calories and high in water and fibre, making your body work harder to digest them. This process can create a calorie deficit, which is beneficial for weight loss." function loadOvpScript(){let el=document.


