Northland Securities Reaffirms “Outperform” Rating for Airgain (NASDAQ:AIRG)

Airgain (NASDAQ:AIRG – Get Free Report)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reissued by research analysts at Northland Securities in a research report issued on Wednesday,Benzinga reports. They presently have a $11.50 price target on the technology company’s stock, up from their prior price target of $8.00. Northland Securities’ target price would suggest a potential upside [...]


Airgain ( NASDAQ:AIRG – Get Free Report ) ‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reissued by research analysts at Northland Securities in a research report issued on Wednesday, Benzinga reports. They presently have a $11.50 price target on the technology company’s stock, up from their prior price target of $8.

00. Northland Securities’ target price would suggest a potential upside of 20.67% from the stock’s previous close.

Separately, Craig Hallum raised their price objective on Airgain from $5.00 to $8.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a report on Wednesday, August 7th.

Get Our Latest Analysis on AIRG Airgain Trading Up 1.9 % Institutional Trading of Airgain A number of institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of AIRG. Farther Finance Advisors LLC lifted its holdings in shares of Airgain by 195.

5% during the 3rd quarter. Farther Finance Advisors LLC now owns 36,277 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $274,000 after acquiring an additional 24,000 shares in the last quarter. US Bancorp DE boosted its position in Airgain by 3.

7% during the 3rd quarter. US Bancorp DE now owns 66,641 shares of the technology company’s stock worth $502,000 after purchasing an additional 2,400 shares during the period. Renaissance Technologies LLC boosted its position in Airgain by 0.

8% during the 2nd quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 352,336 shares of the technology company’s stock worth $2,128,000 after purchasing an additional 2,800 shares during the period. Finally, First Eagle Investment Management LLC boosted its position in Airgain by 8.

3% during the 1st quarter. First Eagle Investment Management LLC now owns 426,634 shares of the technology company’s stock worth $2,325,000 after purchasing an additional 32,521 shares during the period. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 52.

76% of the company’s stock. About Airgain ( Get Free Report ) Airgain, Inc provides wireless connectivity solutions that creates and delivers embedded components, external antennas, and integrated systems worldwide. The company's products include MaxBeam embedded antennas; profile embedded antennas; profile contour embedded antennas; profile ceramic embedded antenna; ultra embedded antennas; and SmartMax embedded antennas.

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