Norris Burkes: Don't try this verse at home

I can tell you that there are no ruins more disastrous than when husbands misuse the words Paul wrote in the fifth chapter of that letter we call the Book of Ephesians, urging “wives submit yourselves to your husbands.” Marriage...


During the two years I was stationed in Izmir, Turkey, I made several visits to the nearby ancient ruins in the seaport of Ephesus. In the Christian world, this city is famous for the letter the Apostle Paul wrote to the fledgling church. However, in all the years I’ve preached from this letter, I can tell you that there are no ruins more disastrous than when husbands misuse the words Paul wrote in the fifth chapter of that letter we call the Book of Ephesians.

In fact, I suspect that there is no verse in the entire Bible that has given marriages more trouble than Ephesians 5:22. Spoken by a seemingly clueless bachelor, Paul urged, “wives submit yourselves to your husbands.” Norris Burkes: Affirming the Ten Commandments (Warning husbands: DO NOT try this verse at home without chaplain supervision.

) My first run-in with the mandate came in the home of a deacon who had invited his 26-year-old pastor and wife for dinner after church. Our deacon, Dan, was a 40ish-year-old family man with three daughters who hung on his every word. But a few hours into our meal, it was his wife, Joanne, who was making the biggest impression on us.

Joanne was an incredibly personable woman who exuded confidence in everything she did. Nevertheless, with Dan she seemed almost subservient. She waited on him hand and foot, bringing him what he needed before he’d ask.

As Joanne served dessert, Becky dared a nervous laugh at how Joanne fawned over Dan. The deacon’s wife responded to Becky’s ribbing with the submission verse, telling us it was her Christian duty to serve Dan. With lips pursed, we nodded in feigned agreement, even though our first impressions told us that the arrangement seemed more like servile compliance than a Christian marriage.

Norris Burkes: Don’t 'Tell it to the Chaplain' On our drive home to the parsonage, my young bride made a few declarations. “I hope you’re not expecting our marriage to be like that. I’ll be your wife, but I won’t be your maid or your waitress.

” Of course, this was no major development. On our wedding day, Becky veered away from traditional roles by refusing to be “given away” by her father. Instead, both our parents began the ceremony by announcing their affirmation of our marriage.

After our wedding, Becky spent the next four years supporting us through my seminary education. Now that she was ready to start her teaching career and plan our family, she wanted to be sure I knew that I was expected to do an equal share of home upkeep, diaper duty and cooking. Sign up for our opinion newsletter Get a weekly recap of South Carolina opinion and analysis from The Post and Courier in your inbox on Monday evenings.

Email Sign Up! Of course I wanted to keep this girl, so I always nodded in perfect agreement. We remained with that church for 41⁄2 years, just long enough to realize that Joanne wasn’t the mousy subservient wife we first mistook her for. Their marriage wasn’t so easily judged.

Actually, I was privileged to witness how they’d built a marriage of great love and mutual respect. I saw many moments in which Dan also submitted to Joanne’s wishes and lavished her with every bit of love he could muster. Bottom line was that their marriage worked for them, and I had no call to judge that.

Norris Burkes: Labor Day reading needn't be laborious I met up with Dan and Joanne a few years back, and I can tell you that Dan achieved a wonderful life — not by misusing the verse to domineer Joanne, but by cherishing her. Joanne achieved a wonderful marriage, not by losing who she was in Dan’s shadow, but by honoring the man God made Dan to be. Together, they found the secret that precedes the noisy verse about wives submitting.

Ephesians 5:21 makes it clear that both the husband and wife must “submit to one another.” That simply means that couples must work it out. Usually, a good marriage involves the couple taking turns in leading in their relationship.

Typically, healthy couples lead together. Izmir was a very short tour of duty, just a temporary home. Fortunately, my assignment with Becky has been a permanent one.

I don’t think she’ll tell you that our marriage has always been equal, because I know it hasn’t. But I also know that, as we near the 45-year mark, submitting to one another continues to work for us. To Readers: I’m planning on retiring my column before end of year, but first I’d like to visit the Charleston area one last time, Nov.

7-11, with Sara Brakhane, Chispa Project director. We will be available, separately or together, to speak to your church, civic group, hospital, college or especially your veteran group for Veteran’s Day. If your organization would like to host us, please email us for details at norris@thechaplain.

net or [email protected] . Or leave a voicemail or text at 843-608-9715.
