
the system based on Divine GuidanceThe post Nizam-e-Rabubiya appeared first on Greater Kashmir.


Prompted by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit, planet earth was designed to be the place, where Adam and Eve, their progenies, the generations to come would dwell over an extended period, as per the Divine Command: On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood – for a time.î (2:36) They were ordained to live in a system based on Divine Guidance: Nizam-e-Rabubiya: We said, Get ye down all from here, and if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from Me, whosoever follows My Guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve (2:38) When man lost his blissful life, he was told–Do not be despondent. We shall send you Our Guidance and thou shall be governed by Our Laws.

Those who will order their lives in accordance therewith will suffer no fear and sorrow. On the other hand, those who reject Our Guidance would lead a life of constant torment in this world and beyond. It is understood that Divine Guidance for effective governance of human affairs was carried by Prophets in Divine Messages.

Nizam-e-Rabubiya is holistically material and spiritual, it may not be segregated. The tendency to separate material and spiritual, recognize Caesar as the King on earth and God as the King in the heavens has been an age old malady. The desire for material comforts was taken to be an impediment for spiritual development and for salvation in the life hereafter.

People had so much attrition towards the earth and earthly matters that they even hated to talk about it. The renunciation of material comforts made recluse of men, otherwise destined for attaining spiritual development and material comfort, as per the Divine Norm. Nizam-e-Rabubiya dictates striking the right balance between spiritual development and material comfort, which is not possible to attain, unless and until laws governing life are in tune with Divine Guidance.
