Nigerians Will See The Best Of Me At Paris Olympics –Anumba

New African champion in women’s discus throw, Ashley Anumba, in an interview with New Telegraph CHARLES OGUNDIYA, says she took to track and field after an injury as a football player. Excerpts... After finishing in third position twice this year; African Games and the National Trials, how does it feel finally winning the gold at...The post Nigerians Will See The Best Of Me At Paris Olympics –Anumba first appeared on New Telegraph.The post Nigerians Will See The Best Of Me At Paris Olympics –Anumba appeared first on New Telegraph.


New African champion in women’s discus throw, Ashley Anumba, in an interview with New Telegraph , says she took to track and field after an injury as a football player. Excerpts..

. After finishing in third position twice this year; African Games and the National Trials, how does it feel finally winning the gold at the African Championships? I have to tell you, it feels amazing. I am very proud of myself and would not have it any other way.

It has to do with the results of hard work and dedication to training. I will continue with what I am doing and hope to get better. I can’t say this one or that one has been the most difficult because they are all major competitions and also I usually face off against almost the same set of people especially while competing back here in Africa.

The truth is you never know the final result until it happens. I would say it has been the same for both championships and the routine for both competitions has been very simple. There’s no time to adjust technique for these big competitions.

I just kept my focus and strength up. That’s what I did both in Benin and in Cameroon and I am happy that the result has been a good one for me. You have said it all, it is mostly the biggest event for every athlete.

Everyone should be expecting a good performance from me as I want to make myself proud and also my country. It has been a difficult season for me to get to where I am today, and I’m ready to show the world all the work that I have been put.