Nigel Farage tells North East 'vote with your heart' at Sunderland rally

Nigel Farage has told voters that the Reform Party can win seats in the North East if they ‘vote with their hearts’ during a visit to Sunderland.


Speaking to the Press Association ahead of a rally at the Rainton Arena, the party chairman said: “The polls at the moment show we’re second place to Labour in all of these seats.” “What I’m saying to people here is..

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“If you believe in what I say, if you believe I’m standing for the right things, if you believe that I’m your champion, vote for us and we can win some of these.” Advertisement Advertisement With just a week until Britain goes to the polls in the General Election, Mr Farage told the rally there was a ‘deep sense of unease’ and something was ‘very wrong’ with the UK: “We all have a deep sense of unease. “Something is going very, very wrong with the country that we’re part of, with the country that we believe in, with the country we want our kids and grandkids to grow up in.

“We have spent time indoctrinating a younger generation, that everything about our past is wrong. We’ve been poisoning the minds of our young people, that I think is absolutely appalling. “I want them to learn that whilst not everything in our history is perfect, actually, there is no country in the world with a better past than us.

” Advertisement Advertisement Moving on to discuss knife crime, Mr F.