NHRC Former Chairman, Odinkalu Under Fire Over Criticism Against INEC Chairman, Yakubu

Samuel Ogidan, Abuja Former Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Chidi Odinkalu, has drawn the ire of some Nigerians over criticism of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and its Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu. Calling on Odinkalu to cease his “unrelenting campaign of calumny on media,” against the commission and its Chairman, the [...]


Samuel Ogidan, Abuja Former Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Chidi Odinkalu, has drawn the ire of some Nigerians over criticism of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and its Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu. Calling on Odinkalu to cease his “unrelenting campaign of calumny on media,” against the commission and its Chairman, the Civic Integrity Initiative berated Odinkalu for what it described as “biased criticisms and media abuses” aimed at discrediting Prof.

Yakubu’s leadership. The group, in a statement by its convener, Dr. Kamson Onyedikachukwu Chidubem, noted that Odinkalu had used different opportunities to cast aspersions on the personality of the INEC Chairman, who has chosen to ignore him, focusing on his duty of carrying out his duties of administration of the Election Management Body.

The Civic Integrity Initiative recalled that Odinkalu had recently used his X account to describe Prof Yakubu as a “thug and a bandit.” The Civic Integrity Initiative stated that under Yakubu’s tenure, INEC has implemented significant reforms to improve Nigeria’s electoral process. The group said: “Prof.

Yakubu has championed unprecedented reforms that have contributed immensely to the transparency and credibility of the electoral process in Nigeria.” The group reeled out some of Yakubu’s key achievements, including the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS), the digitalization of election processes, and the expansion of voter access nationwide, adding, “These innovations have earned INEC commendations both domestically and internationally for improving the integrity of our elections.” The group accused Odinkalu of always pushing a “negative agenda” against Nigeria, adding that his constant criticisms are not motivated by a desire for a working Nigeria or electoral reform but part of a plot to promote negative stories about the country while receiving funds from donor agencies.

According to the statement, “Odinkalu is only known for pushing divisive and detrimental stories about Nigeria, rather than championing genuine reforms that enhance our democratic process.” The Civic Integrity Initiative urged Odinkalu to redirect his focus towards more constructive contributions, stressing, “We suggest he champions real reforms and policies that enhance our democratic process, rather than tearing our institutions down with unfounded criticisms and rhetorics.” The group further called on all well-meaning Nigerians to recognize the strides INEC has made under Prof.

Yakubu’s leadership and rally behind efforts to further improve Nigeria’s democracy and electoral system. The group reiterated its support for Prof. Yakubu and his reforms, stating, “It is time for Odinkalu to leave Prof.

Yakubu alone and stop undermining the efforts of those working tirelessly to strengthen democracy in Nigeria.”.