New plans unveiled for £4.6million development of Washington's F-Pit Museum and Albany Park

Plans have been revealed for an £4.6million development of Washington’s F-Pit Museum and adjoining Albany Park.


The plans for the museum, which have been developed by Mosedale Gillatt Architects, include a brand-new heritage visitor centre and café with flexible space for community use, outdoor seating overlooking a new play area, and external exhibition space. The plans will also cover repairs and improvement works to the F-Pit Engine House and a new car park at the Museum site. Advertisement Advertisement Sign up to our daily newsletter Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Sunderland Echo, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more.

The first phase of initial improvements to Albany Park have already been completed with woodland management and tree, shrub and wildflower planting carried out to enhance the natural environment of the park. Now Sunderland City Council has prepared an updated ‘masterplan’ for the park showing proposals for a second phase which would include works to improve park entrances and access, refurbished play areas and a trim trail, a new event space, and a dog exercise area. The overall feel of the park will also be enhanced with new paths, bins and benches, sculptures and signage, planting, flowering shrubs, meadow grassland, and wetland ponds to boost biodiversity.

The City Council now wants to hear from the town’s residents to get their views on the development. Advertisement Advertisement This Saturday (September 14), as part of one the F-Pit Museum’s Heritage Open Days, between midday and 3pm visitors will have an opportunity to meet the architects and discuss the plans in person. Councillor Beth Jones, Sunderland City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture and Tourism, said: “These exciting new plans for Albany Park and the F-Pit Museum are all about preserving and promoting an important part of Washington’s heritage whilst also developing the site’s potential as a destination for Washington and the wider city, that visitors will be able to enjoy for generations to come.

“I’d like to thank residents for helping to shape these emerging plans and encourage them to participate in this latest consultation so they can continue to stay involved as plans progress.” Residents can also give their views on the development via the City Council’s Let’s Talk F Pit and Albany Park web page . Any comments should be provided by end of September 2024.

The Grade II listed F-Pit Museum is one of only 10 Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Sunderland and is an iconic landmark that showcases the history of coal mining in the region. Albany Park was formed from land reclaimed from the former New Washington Colliery and is now an important local recreational space. Advertisement Advertisement It is expected that the second phase of Albany Park improvements will commence in Spring 2025 and the Museum development, including construction of the Heritage Visitor Centre and Café, to begin in Summer 2025.

There will be further opportunities for residents and businesses to comment on more detailed plans through consultation events early next year..