New Oreo-flavoured Coke tastes like Oreos melted in Coke. You're welcome.



Some questions we never think to ask, but the universe delivers anyway. Like how would it taste if Oreo and Coca-Cola had a baby? Coca-Cola gave the answer in the form of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Oreo , a limited edition creation said to be "combining the best traits" of the two guilty pleasures. Photo by Mothership It recently hit the shelves at FairPrice outlets in Singapore.

You can get it in packs of four for S$5.70. In what is a two-way street, Oreo has also come up with Coke-flavoured Oreos.

Image via foodpanda How does Oreo-flavoured Coke taste, you ask? The beverage looks innocent enough when you first pour it out. It looks like a normal cup of Coke Zero. Gif by Mothership It tastes like what you would get if you made an Oreo McFlurry float and left it outside for a while, and the ice cream melted.

Some people were confused as to what was happening in their mouths. Photo by Mothership Photo by Mothership The aftertaste is not for everyone. Photo by Mothership Photo by Mothership But some really liked it.

Photo by Mothership The jury is still undecided on this one, but maybe you can try it for yourself to see if it blows your mind. Or maybe you've already been dipping your Oreos in Coke all along — or drizzling your Coke on your Oreos — which in that case, it's business as usual. Top images via Mothership and pokedonki/TikTok.