Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane's captivating new series, 'Black Warrant,' is set to premiere on Netflix from January 10, as announced by the streaming giant. The series marks the debut of Zahan Kapoor, grandson of Shashi Kapoor, in the role of a newly-appointed jailer, navigating the complex realities of prison life. Based on real events, 'Black Warrant' is a gripping dramatization inspired by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhury's book.
The show promises an unvarnished look at the challenges faced within Tihar Jail, co-created by Satyanshu Singh and featuring a talented ensemble cast. (With inputs from agencies.).
New Netflix Series 'Black Warrant' Explores Life Inside Tihar Jail
New Netflix Series 'Black Warrant' Explores Life Inside Tihar Jail Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane's captivating new series, 'Black Warrant,' is set to premiere on Netflix from January 10, as announced by the streaming giant.The series marks the debut of Zahan Kapoor, grandson of Shashi Kapoor, in the role of a newly-appointed jailer, navigating the complex realities of prison life.Based on real events, 'Black Warrant' is a gripping dramatization inspired by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhury's book. The show promises an unvarnished look at the challenges faced within Tihar Jail, co-created by Satyanshu Singh and featuring a talented ensemble cast.