New cameras puzzle passers-by in town centre street

New cameras have been installed in Trowbridge town centre to monitor road space usage.


The tiny white cameras have been attached to a pole in Roundstone Street ahead of plans to improve the road next year. They have puzzled many passers-by because signs say they are not CCTV cameras but road space sensors. The new camera installed in Roundstone Street just below the Trowbridge Town Council run CCTV.

(Image: Trevor Porter) A notice close to them says: “Road space usage sensor installed. Notice to the public. This is not CCTV.

“During normal operations, this sensor only produces anonymous data for transport operation and planning.” The notice says that video data may occasionally be recorded at the location for the purpose of system development and testing. A close-up of the sign explaining the camera usage.

(Image: Trevor Porter) The data is being captured and processed by VivaCity Labs Ltd on behalf of Wilshire Council, the local highways authority. It will be used to inform improvements being made next year to Roundstone Street asnd The Halve using government funding. Wiltshire Council leader Cllr Richard Clewer said: “The new sensors will monitor traffic data as part of the improvements to Roundstone Street and The Halve.

The sensors are not cameras and do not record footage.” Anyone with any questions about the privacy notice should contact VivaCity Labs data protection officer at [email protected].