National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka organises knowledge sharing session on Government Securities Market


The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, in collaboration with WealthTrust Securities Ltd., successfully conducted an awareness session on the Government Securities Market on 12 September at the Royal Colombo Golf Club. This knowledge sharing session was attended by the Council and members of the National Chamber.

The session was enriched with inputs shared by special Guest Speaker to the session Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) Public Debt Department Superintendent N.D.Y.

C. Weerasinghe. The awareness building session was conducted with an interactive approach, discussing real-life scenarios and how these instruments can be obtained and the benefits of investing in Government securities.

It was intended to create awareness and provide an in-depth understanding of the various Government securities-related financial instruments, such as Treasury bills, Treasury bonds, etc., and emphasise their contribution to the economy of the country. Key learnings of this awareness session captured insights into opportunities that are available for potential investors to obtain Government securities-based products, a vital component for both institutional and individual investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

The presentation made by WealthTrust Securities Ltd. explained current market trends and requirements, and how to make lucrative investment decisions. It further explained the main features and benefits of Government securities, i.

e. Treasury bills/Treasury bonds, and the critical role Government securities played in bridging budget deficits and supporting economic growth. It further expressed that Treasury bills and bonds are accepted as collateral by the CBSL under its open market operations, thus entrenching the importance of Treasury bills and bonds which are considered default-risk free due to inherent repayment guarantee by the fiscal authority.

The participants were given an opportunity to request clarifications about the products and services during a Q&A session with the expert speakers, in addition to engaging discussions and networking opportunities. They viewed the program as a timely and effective session for individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge about Government-backed securities, which can be applied in both personal investments and organisational investments..