My man cheated so I found us a girlfriend that’s my doppelganger to keep him satisfied -trolls say we’ve brainwashed her


A WOMAN has revealed that after her husband cheated on her, she found him a girl that looks almost identical to her, so that her man could have a second girlfriend. Tehmeena, 40 and BQ have been together for five years but decided to become polyamorous about a year ago. They decided to add a third party into their relationship, which Tehmeena hopes will stop BQ from being unfaithful to her, as he has been in the past .

They looked for a potential match on BQ's Facebook page, as according to Tehmeena, "he just adds girls and girls and girls." The pair then came across Kyrah, 29, from Australia , on social media, and the trio instantly hit it off. "Once I spoke to Kyrah, there was no doubt in my mind she was what we needed", Tehmeena told Truly .

Read more real life stories The couple flew Kyrah over to the US, and the throuple became inseparable. Tehmeena said that she was consciously looking for a girl that looks exactly like her, as she knows she is BQ's type. "When we go out in public we always get asked if we're sisters, or twins", said Kyrah.

The two girls always wear matching outfits and say they "love paying dress up." Most read in Fabulous Their expensive taste is also financed by BQ who earns over £500,000 a year from his finance job. However, they have faced lots of judgement over their relationship, as Tehmeena was raised in a strict religious household where her chosen way of life was not deemed acceptable.

"On social media men from my culture are very judgemental", she said. "But you know what, why are you even on my page, you shouldn't be watching me." Kyrah added that she doesn't mind haters commenting negative things on the throuple's content, as they are helping to pay her bills .

Polyamory is the practice of having romantic relationships with more than one person at the same time, with the knowledge and consent of all parties. It can refer to relationships where one person has multiple partners or spouses, or where all parties are in a relationship with each other, for example in a throuple. According to You Gov , 6.

8% of people in the UK have been in a polyamorous relationship. Tehemeena's friends have also showed concerned about her relationship. Speaking directly to BQ, her close friend Grace admitted: "I'm not going to lie, at first I thought you'd brainwashed her to do this!" In the future , Kyrah hopes to move to the US full-time to live with BQ and Tehmeena.

"We're going to need to get a bigger house", she said. READ MORE SUN STORIES "We definitely need another bathroom", Tehmeena joked. Fabulous will pay for your exclusive stories.

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