Mumbai: Teen gang-raped by boyfriend’s friends during outing to Gorai

Threatened to not tell anyone including her boyfriend, who brought the accused along unsuspectingly


An 18-year-old girl was allegedly in a span of five days by her boyfriend’s three friends. The first incident took place during a trip to Gorai with the group, while the second occurred during an outing in Malad. Fed up with the trauma, the girl attempted suicide and eventually opened up to her family, following which an FIR was registered.

According to police sources, the girl and the accused are of the same age group. She was in a relationship and her boyfriend planned a get-together with his friends. On June 12, the group visited various in Andheri before deciding to go on an outing to Gorai.

Her boyfriend’s two friends accompanied them, and they reached Manori by boat at around 3 pm where they booked two rooms in a cottage. ADVERTISEMENT In her statement, the girl said they had food and beer till late at night. After the meal, her boyfriend who was intoxicated slept off in one room.

His friends then took her into the other room and forced themselves on her. They threatened her with dire consequences if she told anyone (including her boyfriend) about the incident. At the time, the girl didn’t report the incident out of fear.

On June 16, the girl, her boyfriend, and another female friend went for an outing to in Malad. They were accompanied by one of the people who raped her earlier and his accomplice. As the girl’s boyfriend left to drop the female friend on his motorbike, she was raped again by his friend and the accomplice.

As per the police, the girl was traumat.