Mullen Automotive, Inc. ( NASDAQ:MULN – Get Free Report ) shares traded down 2.8% during trading on Tuesday .
The company traded as low as $1.01 and last traded at $1.04.
850,747 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 17% from the average session volume of 1,030,735 shares. The stock had previously closed at $1.07.
Mullen Automotive Stock Performance The stock’s 50-day simple moving average is $2.21 and its 200 day simple moving average is $66.60.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On Mullen Automotive An institutional investor recently bought a new position in Mullen Automotive stock. Virtu Financial LLC purchased a new position in shares of Mullen Automotive, Inc. ( NASDAQ:MULN – Free Report ) during the third quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC.
The institutional investor purchased 18,728 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $59,000. Virtu Financial LLC owned 0.34% of Mullen Automotive as of its most recent filing with the SEC.
Institutional investors own 11.71% of the company’s stock. About Mullen Automotive Mullen Automotive, Inc, an electric vehicle company, manufactures, sells, and distributes electric vehicles.
Its products include passenger electric vehicles and commercial vehicles; and provides solid-state polymer battery technology. The company is headquartered in Brea, California. See Also Receive News & Ratings for Mullen Automotive Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Mullen Automotive and related companies with MarketBeat.
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Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ:MULN) Shares Down 2.8% – Here’s Why
Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ:MULN – Get Free Report) shares traded down 2.8% during trading on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $1.01 and last traded at $1.04. 850,747 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 17% from the average session volume of 1,030,735 shares. The stock had previously closed at $1.07. Mullen [...]