MrBeast 'brain dumps' YouTube business secrets in leaked PDF, including PR warning to employees

YouTube star MrBeast allegedly unveiled his secrets to success for employees in a leaked document which includes a warning about public relations


While MrBeast might be , but he still ranks among the most successful . A document that allegedly details his strategy to rise to the top leaked for all to see. The document, distributed as a PDF, lacks consistent formatting and jumbles through poor grammar.

However, it does include nuggets of knowledge allegedly from the sensation himself. The introduction explains, "Hi, I’m Jimmy ( ) and as the team is growing larger, I no longer get to spend as much time with everyone as I used to. The first dozen employees had unfiltered and unlimited access to me to learn as much as they could about my vision and what I wanted.

Sadly, you don’t have that luxury. So, I thought it would be useful to try to braindump as much as I can into this silly little book to give new people to help bring them up to speed on everything we’ve learned over the past decade with this channel." In some parts of the documents, Jimmy allegedly touches on bits of the company culture, something that has come into question frequently lately.

"I’d rather you be honest with eachother then nice to eachother," the document details. It further encourages "all nighters" by employees. With the bad press continuing to loom over MrBeast, he allegedly previously advised: "Never do anything that could make us look bad from a pr perspective.

" The document warns that nothing should be taken "literally" and that it isn't a hard and fast rule book. Instead, it is meant to act as more of a guide to employees joining MrBeast's team. The document goes on to reject the traditional media, especially Hollywood, emphasizing a belief that YouTube is the future and stressing that MrBeast employees should be committed to that mindset.

Virality, according to the document, can be broke down by "Click Thru Rate (CTR), Average View Duration (AVD), and Average View Percentage (AVP)." The advisement further breaks down how to put together a video, sectioning it into different time stamps with different styles in order to maximize viewer duration. While those metrics are important, the document also highlights a "wow factor" as a potential make or break for content.

The document said: "Anytime we do something that no other creator can do, that seperates [sic] us in their mind and makes our videos more special to them. It changes how they see us and it does make them watch more videos and engage more with the brand. You can’t track the 'wow factor' but I can describe it.

Anything that no other youtuber can do. And it’s important we never lose our wow." Further advice includes to "video everything," "say the negatives," and MrBeast is "not always right.

" Communication is stressed as key at their company, including proactive mindsets and time management. All the latest news, showbiz, lifestyle and sports updates, brought to you by our dedicated American team. to make sure you're not missing out.
