Monday’s Berks high school girls soccer roundup

Gov. Mifflin played Wilson


Gov. Mifflin and Wilson played to a 1-1 tie in high school girls soccer on Monday. Claire Troutman scored for the Bulldogs with an assist from Ava Ortiz.

For the Mustangs, Evelyn Strickler scored. Wilson goalies Makaya Ungurean (5) and Alanna Keller (4) combined for nine saves. Gov.

Mifflin goalie Braelyn Reis made eight saves. Wilson had a 10-9 edge in shots. Kutztown 3, Brandywine Heights 1 Jade Fitzgerald, Carter Diehl and Emma Zimmerman scored goals to lead Kutztown to a 3-1 high school girls soccer victory over Brandywine Heights on Monday.

Diehl and Zimmerman each had assists. Gianna Capecci scored for Brandywine. Brandywine goalie Elizabeth Tomaine made five saves.

Kutztown goalie Jayden Gehris made eight saves. Brandywine had a 14-13 edge in shots. Exeter 4, Conrad Weiser 0 Mackenzie Mentzer scored three goals and Oliva Skipper had one to lead Exeter to a 4-0 high school girls soccer win over Conrad Weiser on Monday.

Chayse Flood had two assists and Holly Skipper and Aubrey Ridge each had one assist. Conrad Weiser goalie Leah Elliot made six saves, and Exeter goalie Taylor Brownback made three..