March 17 falls on a Monday this year — but who wants to go to work on Tuesday with a green-beer hangover? So several spots around town are time-shifting their celebrations to Saturday, March 15. No matter which bank of the Cumberland you call home, there are some fun options for Saturday! In Germantown, Von Elrod’s Beer Hall & Kitchen will reprise its annual Von Patrick’s Day bash from 11 a.m.
until 8 p.m. on March 15 with an indoor/outdoor party that will take over most of the block at 1004 Fourth Ave.
N. The cashless 21-and-up event requires tickets purchased in advance, and no tickets will be sold at the gate. Your admission includes a commemorative 1-liter plastic stein and a 16-ounce can of Von Elrod’s Pilsner to kick off your personal party.
Bars will be set up throughout the grounds offering green beer and other drink specials. DJ Guy Fell will be spinning tunes all day and night — except for when Rubiks Groove takes the stage to keep the party pumping with hits from the ’80s, ’90s and Aughts. Remember to dress to impress and for the chance to win prizes at the costume contest.
Tickets will sell out, so grab yours at the event website . Across the river, the folks behind East Nashville favorites Drifters and Boston Commons have their own party plans for the Five Points neighborhood on Saturday the 15th. Boston Commons is serving as the VIP area for the big INN (Irish Network Nashville) Parade , and the restaurant will feature live Irish music from 9 a.
m. until 5 p.m.
while serving a limited food menu. They’ll have two bars to serve your Guinness and Tullamore D.E.
W. needs at the main bar and on the patio. Boston Commons is normally closed on Mondays, but to make up for the limited service on Saturday, they’re opening up on March 17 to offer more St.
Patrick’s-themed food and drink for an extra day. Over at Drifters, they’ll be serving as a concessionaire at the Lucky Stache Bash in the Beyond the Edge parking lot. The party will run from noon after the parade until late night with more Irish music, DJ sets and live bands headlined by The Spazmatics Dig out your best green outfit and make plans to celebrate next weekend!.