Miss Manners: One guy at work never brings anything when we have group meetings and eat together

What is a tactful way to tell him he needs to step up?


DEAR MISS MANNERS: Our team at work has group meetings once a week, and we share a meal together. One man never brings anything, except he did bring ice cream once. What is a tactful way to tell him he needs to step up and bring something like the rest of us? GENTLE READER: Having grown up with and amongst teachers, Miss Manners learned many important lessons, two of which might be helpful here.

Applying these lessons in your case: “We so enjoyed the ice cream you brought that time. Perhaps you can be in charge of dessert for our meetings from now on. Or would bringing appetizers suit you better?” (Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.

missmanners.com ; to her email, [email protected] ; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St.

, Kansas City, MO 64106.) Latest Advice Columns.