Miklos Szantho: The Rise of Patriots Could Mark a Historic Turning Point for Europe

"Teetering on the edge of the abyss, we've been given one last chance."


The rise of the Patriots for Europe party family could mark a historic turning point for Europe, just as Donald Trump's return could in the United States, declared Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, during a roundtable discussion organized by the Budapest-based legal analysis and research institute’s Madrid office on Thursday. Teetering on the edge of the abyss, we've been given one last chance. Donald Trump’s return in the United States and the rise of the Patriots here in Europe could mark a historic turning point, if we know how to seize this opportunity to save the soul of the West,” Miklos Szantho stated in his opening remarks.

The think tank's director general highlighted that the EU began as a peace project, yet when Hungary’s prime minister speaks in favor of peace and undertakes an “intercontinental mission” to achieve even a ceasefire, the supposed guardians of EU values ignore him, and continue their war-mongering. It's because they know their time is running out: after January 20, the White House will no longer call them, but Europe's patriotic leaders, for talks, – he remarked. According to Mr.

Szantho, the left is frustrated across the Atlantic because they sense that the era for patriots has arrived. If it was up to us, there would be no immigration and no war, – the think tank chief emphasized. He added that fear is also spreading within Europe’s liberal elite, as European wokism has lost the support of its overseas Big Brother.

He pointed to political turmoil across Europe: the socialist-green-liberal coalition in Germany has collapsed, France is ungovernable, and in Spain, PM Pedro Sánchez is leading a battered minority government. Mr. Szantho called the strengthening of international unity among patriotic forces the most important task, along with launching a “decisive offensive against the ultraprogressive and woke sect.

” He pledged that Hungary’s right wing would provide all possible assistance to their patriotic partners to ensure that their collaboration is as cohesive and organized as possible. During the roundtable discussion, members of the party family, representing different nationalities in the European Parliament, debated whether - in today’s political landscape - there's a need for Patriots for Europe. Fidesz MEPErno Schaller-Baross told Hungary's state news agency (MTI) that while the Patriots' member parties are national movements that believe in a Europe of nations and advocate for preserving the competencies of member states, they must also cooperate and demonstrate strength.

The left, being composed of internationalist movements, always has the advantage of being able to step up in an organized manner on a European level. Today, we are the counterbalance to this in the European Parliament and across the entire European political stage, – he stated, adding that this shared goal forms the foundation for unity. According to the Fidesz MEP, partners must identify issues where they can work together, such as border protection, combating illegal migration, or restoring Europe’s competitiveness.

This is what connects us, patriots, and I think this is a very successful movement. It is already clear that our political opponents in Europe have a sense of our presence and are frightened, because there's never been such a coordinated right-wing effort within the framework of the European Parliament, – he stressed. Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, at the press conference for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC Hungary) at Budapest's Millenaris Park, on April 24, 2024 (Photo: MTI / Szilard Koszticsak) A téma legfrissebb hírei PM Orban: Europe Must Come to Its Senses + Video The leaders in Brussels also have to recognize that there is no future for the war strategy, the Hungarian prime minister says.

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