'Migrant Influencer' Who Encouraged Illegals to Become Squatters Gets His Comeuppance

Let's start with the good news: Leonel Moreno, the "migrant influencer" who took to social media to encourage his fellow illegals to become squatters, has been ordered deported by an immigration judge.AdvertisementYou remember Moreno. He liked to flaunt wads of cash on social media and bragged... - redstate.com


Let's start with the good news: Leonel Moreno, the "migrant influencer" who took to social media to encourage his fellow illegals to become squatters, has been ordered deported by an immigration judge. Advertisement You remember Moreno. He liked to flaunt wads of cash on social media and bragged about all the freebies he was getting, courtesy of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and you, the American taxpayer.

Moreno entered the country illegally via the southern border floodgates on April 23, 2022, was released almost immediately and, naturally, failed to ever check in with ICE. Apparently, being an illegal who doesn't bother to do required check-ins with the U.S.

government makes you eminently qualified to receive benefits from said government. Moreno first made headlines for a video in which he waves around a stack of $100 bills, telling his followers: "I didn't cross the Rio Grande to work like a slave," Moreno said in one Instagram clip. He made other videos bragging that he and his wife used their baby daughter, presumably born in the US, to receive benefits from "Papa Biden," all while.

.. Teri Christoph.