Microplastics found in human brain: Should we be worried?

Microplastics found in human brain: Should we be worried?


Listen to Story Scientists are discovering microplastics accumulating in several human organs, including the brain. Tiny shards that cannot be seen through the naked eye have infiltrated the intestines, lungs, placenta, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, knee and elbow joints, blood vessels and bone marrow. These microplastics, which are smaller than 5 millimetres in length (almost the size of a pencil eraser), present in the human body are a result of various factors including devastating plastic pollution.

While researchers have not well-defined the health hazards of microplastics, recent studies have shown that a higher amount of microplastics can lead to oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to cell damage and heart disease. With microplastics present in the placenta , it is feared that these tiny shards could enter newborns as well. Animal studies have shown that microplastics are linked to fertility issues, cancers and immune system disruption.

A recent study has given rise to growing concern about the health issues associated with microplastics. The study, which shows the presence of microplastics in the human brain tissue, was published in the National Institutes of Health in the preprint version. It is undergoing peer review.

With microplastics present in placenta, it is feared that these tiny shards could enter newborns as well. (Photo: Getty Images) The researchers found that 24 samples of 91 samples of brain tissue, which were collected in early 2024, measured 0.5% of plastic by weight.

The study described the brain as "one of the most plastic-polluted tissues yet sampled." The researchers were surprised to find up to 30 times more microplastics in brain samples than in the liver and kidney. The microplastics identified in this study were primarily made of polyethylene, the most widely produced plastic globally.

It's commonly used in everyday items like bottle caps and plastic bags. SHOULD WE WORRY? Scientists don't have a clear answer yet. With such alarming amounts of microplastics in the human brain, researchers still don't know how exactly it could affect our health.

While various chemicals in plastics are known to be endocrine disruptors, researchers wrote in The Conversation that laboratory experiments are ongoing, suggesting microplastics increase brain inflammation, cell damage, alter gene expression and change the brain structure. A study in January revealed that a one-litre plastic bottle of water contains over 2 lakh nanoplastics , which are tinier than microplastics. These fragments are less than 1 micrometre.

But in the end, experts agree more studies are needed to better understand the health outcomes of micro and nanoplastics..