Mercy Medical Center Recognized as One of "America's Greatest Workplaces for Women 2025" by Newsweek Magazine

Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, has been named one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Women 2025 by Newsweek.


(Baltimore, MD – March 6, 2025 ) – Mercy Medical Center has been named one of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Women 2025 by Newsweek in partnership with data analytics firm Plant-A Insights Group. America’s Greatest Workplaces for Women 2025 identified 1,000 organizations across the U.S.

for their efforts in supporting, empowering and ensuring women thrive in the workplace. Mercy also earned the distinction in 2023. The companies honored this year span across industries, from finance and healthcare to technology and manufacturing.

Mercy was one of five hospital systems in Maryland to be recognized. The ranking highlights companies that provide comprehensive employee benefits, and foster workplace cultures that support the success and advancement of women. To compile the rankings, Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group conducted an extensive independent workplace study in the U.

S., gathering data through more than 215,000 employee interviews, collecting over 2.2 million company reviews, combined with publicly accessible data analysis, interviews with human resource professionals, confidential online surveys completed by 215,000 female employees, etc.

“Mercy Medical Center was founded by women, the Sisters of Mercy, 150 years ago, and has built a national reputation for women’s health care. This designation, as one of the nation’s best places for women to work, is further evidence of Mercy’s efforts to help women to thrive and grow in their careers,” said Sister Helen Amos, RSM, Executive Chair, Mercy Health Services Board of Trustees. “Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, we’ve proudly earned a national reputation in women’s healthcare that builds on a legacy of supporting and caring for women.

Newsweek ’s ‘America’s Greatest Workplaces for Women’ designation indicates our ongoing commitment to helping women excel. At Mercy, we offer an environment where everyone has an opportunity to succeed, no matter their gender, race, or sexual orientation,” said David N. Maine, President and CEO, Mercy Health Services, Mercy Medical Center.

“Our research shows the importance of recognizing employers who are truly committed to women in their field,” said Josh Smith, Senior Director Growth & Strategic Partnership at Newsweek. “Women are not just looking for a job; they are looking for workplaces that support their ambitions, respect their contributions, and empower them to succeed. The companies on this list set the bar high for what a truly supportive workplace should be.

” Newsweek is the global digital news organization built around the 93-year-old American magazine, reaching 100 million people monthly. Headquartered in New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and Asia. For the full list of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Women 2025 , visit newsweek.

com/agww-2025 . Founded in 1874 by the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Medical Center is located in downtown Baltimore City, about six blocks from Baltimore's famed Inner Harbor. A university-affiliated teaching facility, Mercy is a Catholic hospital with a national reputation for women's health care, orthopedics, and other specialties.

Mercy is home to the renowned Weinberg Center for Women's Health & Medicine, and the $400+ million Mary Catherine Bunting Center. For more information, visit www.mdmercy.

com , and MDMercyMedia on Facebook and Twitter, or call 1-800-M.D.-Mercy.
