Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. helping stop the violence

Members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, Birmingham Alumni Chapter, are determined to find ways to end the escalating violence in the city.


The violence plaguing parts of Birmingham, including the Titusville community has not spared even the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity house. Just weeks ago, a deadly shooting occurred a few blocks away, highlighting the urgency for solutions. Members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, including Michael Bell and Brian Owens of the Birmingham Alumni Chapter, are determined to find ways to end the escalating violence in the city.

Tomorrow, they hope to uncover some answers. "The violence is all over the news, but solutions are missing," said Michael Bell, Chairman of the Toussaint L. Hale Benevolent Scholarship.

"We aim to bring more focus on this issue within the community." Recently, four people were shot at the University Crossing Apartments on Third Avenue Southwest, just blocks away from the fraternity house on Sixth Avenue South. One man died in the incident.

"We have people afraid to sit on their front porches," Bell added. The recent spate of shootings prompted Bell and Owens to organize a sit-down discussion involving Jefferson County's District Attorney, Birmingham's Police Chief, a local pastor, a Birmingham City Council member, and a Birmingham City High School student. "We want to bring everyone into focus, especially the parents," said Bryan Owens, Polemarch for the Birmingham Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi.

"We have so much death and violence impacting kids right now. Everyone needs to be involved." With community involvement, the fraternity hopes to assist its neighbors in finding long-term solutions.

"This may be the first of many discussions, but we're bringing in professionals to hear their suggestions and see how we can support their efforts," Bell concluded..