Melania Trump defends her nude photos in bizarre book promo

Melania Trump’s book promotions keep getting stranger. First, she opined on the July 13 assassination attempt on her husband to sell books. Then she waxed poetic about the Fourth Amendment. Now she’s comparing her nude photo shoots to classical art.After remaining largely out of sight during the 2024 campaign, she’s reemerged with the publication of a memoir that her team deems an “intimate portrait” of the former first lady. And it is quite that, with Trump now addressing her past nude photo shoots, which resurfaced during the 2016 campaign.“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?” she said in a video posted Wednesday on X. “The more pressing question is, why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photo shoot?” In the video, she goes on to compare herself to famous pieces of art, with an image of Michelangelo’s “David” appearing on screen.


Melania Trump’s book promotions keep getting stranger. First, she opined on the July 13 assassination attempt on her husband to sell books. Then she waxed poetic about the Fourth Amendment.

Now she’s comparing her nude photo shoots to classical art. After remaining largely out of sight during the 2024 campaign, she’s reemerged with the publication of a memoir that her team deems an “ intimate portrait ” of the former first lady. And it is quite that, with Trump now addressing her past nude photo shoots, which resurfaced during the 2016 campaign.

“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?” she said in a video posted Wednesday on X . “The more pressing question is, why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photo shoot?” In the video, she goes on to compare herself to famous pieces of art, with an image of Michelangelo’s “David” appearing on screen. Since leaving office, Trump’s husband has been convicted of 34 felonies related to paying off a porn star Stormy Daniels to hide his affair, which reportedly happened shortly after Melania gave birth to their son, Barron.

He has also been found liable for sexual abuse against writer E. Jean Carroll. On their 19th wedding anniversary, he raged on social media about Carroll, with apparently no posts dedicated to his wife.

And she has remained oddly elusive since her husband exited the White House in January 2021. A July press release describes her new memoir, “Melania,” as a “ powerful and inspiring story of a woman who has carved her own path, overcome adversity and defined personal excellence.” That’s fine.

Most people would agree that nudity done artfully and tastefully is of value and to be appreciated. Except let’s not pretend this was that kind of art. If women want to reclaim their agency and turn the male gaze on its head by posing nude, go for it.

But it’s hypocritical to do that and help lead the political party that is policing women’s bodies, shaming women for not having children, and overturning Roe v. Wade . Let’s also not ignore that her husband’s MAGA-fied Republican Party has been adamantly against sexual liberation, opposing LGBTQ+ rights, positioning itself as the party of “family values,” and implementing book bans across the country.

The Trump campaign’s slogan of “Make America Great Again” is an ode to what white Americans deem a rosy past of the nuclear family, white picket fence, and a smiling—and silent—housewife. The irony is rich. x https://t.

co/ZCTwZSqZND — MELANIA TRUMP (@MELANIATRUMP) September 18, 2024 It’s quite the stark comparison with the Democratic Party.

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff is vocal about how much he adores his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Gwen Walz (the wife of Harris running mate Tim Walz), Emhoff , and even Emhoff’s ex-wife have been pulling their weight, showing up for the Harris-Walz ticket across the country. Recently, Gwen Walz and Emhoff have made stops in key swing states , like Arizona and Georgia.

Yet Melania has mostly been nowhere to be found. Outside of Wednesday’s video, she popped up during the final night of the Republican National Convention, sharing an extremely awkward embrace with her husband after his speech —and that’s about it. It’s all cringe, hypocritical, and just .

.. weird.
