Meeting of Azerbaijani Central Election Commission held (UPDATE)


The CentralElection Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan has decided to approve theprotocol of the general voting results from the parliamentaryelection held on September 1 for the VII convocation of theAzerbaijani parliament and to submit it to the Constitutional Courtfor validation of the election results, reports. During today’s CEC meeting, the Chairman Mazahir Panahov saidthat, according to the Election Code, the CEC must complete theprocess of reviewing and finalizing the election results no laterthan 20 days after the voting day. This process has been completed today.

During this period, theCEC reviewed the complaints received and made the necessarydecisions. In total, the results of voting at 46 polling stationswere declared invalid—three of which were annulled by districtelection commissions, and 43 by the CEC. The election commissionsof 35 polling stations across 17 districts were dissolved.

Out of 6,433,184 registered voters, 2,395,510 peopleparticipated, bringing the voter turnout for the parliamentaryelection to 37.24 percent. The full list of elected MPs by electoral district based on thefinal CEC protocol can be accessed .

The CEC members signed the final protocol. According to the Election Code, the CEC is required to submitthe election results to the Constitutional Court within 24 hours ofverifying the protocols. The Constitutional Court must complete thereview and validation of the election results within 10 days (thisperiod can be extended if needed for further verification).

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan is holding ameeting, reports. The meeting chaired by CEC head Mazahir Panahov will considerappeals received by the department in connection with the snapparliamentary election held on September 1. Then the commission members will consider the issue of drawingup a protocol by the Central Election Commission on the generalelection results in connection with the election to the Parliamentof the 7th convocation and transferring the election results to theConstitutional Court for verification and approval.

To recall, a total of 112,749 local observers were registered toobserve the election. More than 65,000 of them were representativesof political parties. The number of registered internationalobservers was 598, representing 51 organizations and 69countries.

Out of 990 registered candidates in the parliamentary election,305 are representatives of 25 political parties. Even though 371candidates were affiliated with political parties, their respectiveparties did not nominate them. A total of 676 candidates wereaffiliated with a political party.
