Meet man with Rs 30020 crore net worth, 1st Indian to buy Rs 100 crore helicopter, not Mukesh Ambani, Adani

The Indian billionaire has several homes around the world, including apartments in the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.


Several Indian billionaire businessmen began their entrepreneurship journey from scratch. They are now one of the richest people in the world. In this article, we will tell you about one such person who started his career with a small business and later became a successful businessman.

His name is Ravi Pillai, chairman of RP Group which works in a variety of fields, including construction, real estate, and other industries. According to Forbes, Pillai has a real-time net worth of USD 3.5 billion, as of January 3.

This is around Rs 30020 crore. Pillai has several homes around the world, including apartments in the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai. A few years ago, Pillai hit the headlines when he bought a brand-new helicopter worth Rs 100 crore.

He became the first Indian to own this helicopter from Airbus. Today, his RP Group is among the biggest employers of Indians in the Middle East. The 71-year-old was born in Kerala but moved to Saudi Arabia in 1978 after his small construction business in his native state went bust.

With help from a local partner, he started over in 1978 and built his RP Group into a construction heavyweight. The construction magnate has used his Gulf riches to invest back home, picking up stakes in banks, hotels and real estate. READ | Meet man, IIT-IIM alumnus, who worked for Rs 366000 crore company, resigned due to.
