MEDICAL INSIGHTS: Carbohydrates can get a bad rap – make sure to stick with the good ones

Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates now receive most of the negative press. The last two issues of this column concerned fats and protein.


Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates now receive most of the negative press. The last two issues of this column concerned fats and protein. For many years, fats were the bad boy of the three.

Now, however, there is a lot written about bad carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is an organic compound that includes sugars, starches or cellulose, which is basically plant fiber. Carbohydrates are divided into two groups: simple or complex.

Examples of simple carbohydrates include white bread, refined pasta, refined dough, white rice and pastries. Complex carbs contain bran and or fiber. Simple carbs are generally included in the bad carb variety and complex carbohydrates are thought to also be good carbs.

Bad carbs are usually refined carbohydrates that cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. This then causes insulin release with a subsequent blood sugar drop or sugar crash. Examples would include white bread, cookies, sugary sodas and unfortunately ice cream.

Good carbs are not refined carbohydrates and include whole grains, brown rice and legumes. Good garbs do not raise the blood glucose level quickly and therefore are considered more healthy. Warren Mill Lofts moving toward completion in Horse Creek Valley, leasing nearly 200 units Trenton man identified as victim in fatal stabbing Week 4 or Round 4? High school football features heavyweight bouts Business roundup: Radioactive Pinball Arcade expanding plus some other downtown Aiken openings and closings Trenton man killed in stabbing; Aiken County authorities investigating BBB CONSUMER TIPS: BBB tallies 4,000 investment scam reports, almost six-fold increase in losses FOTAS: Finder fosters rescue and save hundreds of kittens A Parker's Kitchen could be built on Aiken's Southside.

Here's what we know. Annual Aiken Standard show focuses on home, garden tips Guest editorial: Federal workers should be back in the office Carbohydrates are either fiber, starch or sugars. Fiber comes from plant based foods.

This complex carb is not completely broken down by the digestive system, but aids in the digestion of other nutrients. Examples include beans, peas, fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Starches are complex carbs that function like fiber.

This is a larger molecule that takes longer to break down in the digestive tract and examples include beans, whole grains, veggies, some fruits but mainly corn and potatoes. Sugars can be natural or added. Fruits are an example of natural sugars.

Added sugars, generally considered as the bad boy of carbs, include dextrose, table sugar or sucrose and also fructose and corn syrup. Your body can not tell the difference between natural sugars or added sugars so always read labels and opt for the non added variety. Carbohydrates provide fuel for the brain, kidneys, heart and central nervous system so choose healthy carbs over the refined carbs and added refined simple sugars.

A diet deficient in adequate carbohydrates may cause headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea and diminished concentration. Choose your carbs wisely and make friends with the good guys!.