McDonald’s plans for new Grays restaurant thrown out

THURROCK Council has thrown out plans for a fast food drive-thru on a busy junction in Grays over road safety concerns


to demolish car showroom Brayley Mazda on Orsett Road, a main route to Grays town centre, and build the drive-thru and 48 cover restaurant along with 27 parking spaces. received 17 objections from neighbouring residents who were concerned over highway safety, increased traffic and littering and pollution. They also questioned the impact on nearby residential home and the to school children.

Concerns were also raised over the possibility of antisocial behaviour. Thurrock’s highways team said the proposed drive-thru could increase traffic congestion as the site is close to a mini-roundabout and traffic lights and being on a main route to the town centre it could also increase congestion at peak times. In their report, highways officers said: “At present severe concerns remain regarding the traffic impact and the potential for road safety issues with this development.

This area forms a gateway into the town centre and is a busy traffic and pedestrian route including pedestrian school traffic. “Some questions remain regarding the analysis and assumptions particularly around “Mc Delivery”. In addition, concerns remain regarding parking levels, deliveries, access and manoeuvrability, queuing back on to the highway and pedestrian and cycle facilities.

” The site is also said to be on contaminated land and Thurrock’s environmental health team called for investigation if the scheme had been approved. Refusing the application, planning officers said: “The proposal is loc.