Martin Lewis warns anyone who has this 'demon' appliance in their house

The BBC and ITV star spoke out over tumble dryers, warning UK households who own one that they could be adding countless pennies to your bills.


Martin Lewis has warned UK households who have a "demon" appliance in their house. The BBC and ITV star spoke out over tumble dryers, warning UK households who own one that they could be adding countless pennies to your bills. Mr Lewis says the humble tumble dryer is a device 'you really don't want to use because it's really expensive'.

He explained that it costs about a quid to tumble dry a load of washing and if you just tumble dry every load of washing as a matter of routine, that soon adds up to a very big pile of money over a year. And the tumble dryer really is one of those appliances you can do without in many cases as there are plenty of other ways to dry your clothes, Mr Lewis said. And Mr Lewis has also warned people that there are three hours in the day when you probably shouldn't stick your washing machine on.

READ MORE UK faces -5C snow within days and one part of England will be 'worst hit' Peak energy usage in the UK is between 4pm and 7pm, so try to avoid those times if at all possible. Martin suggests "drying your clothes on an airer outside first to shorten the amount of time you’re using the tumble dryer or avoid using it completely". He added: "Those who have dehumidifiers, that can take some of the moisture out of it and it’s less wattage than a tumble dryer, so it can be more effective.

" The finance guru also recommends using reflective panels behind radiators. He also explained: "Sheets of reflective material can be placed behind radiators. Crucially this is on external wall radiators so the heat doesn’t escape.

" These are placed between the back of a radiator and the wall, and work by reflecting any heat that would otherwise be lost through the wall back into the room..