Mark Henry Recalls Injuries Leading Up To Retirement, Not Winning World Title

Mark Henry retired from the ring less than a year after his famed retirement fake-out at John Cena's expense, and he recently reflected on that final run.The post Mark Henry Recalls Injuries Leading Up To Retirement, Not Winning World Title appeared first on 411MANIA.


Mark Henry retired from the ring less than a year after his famed retirement fake-out at John Cena’s expense, and he recently reflected on that final run. Henry spoke at Monopoly Events’ For the Love of Wrestling event and talked about the injuries that took place after his turn on Cena, which prevented him from potentially having another World Title reign. “I was blessed,” Henry said of his run as World Champion (h/t to Wrestling Inc ).

“I had two other opportunities to be world champion and I got hurt and it was just frustrating to be headed towards WrestleMania and winning the belt, and then damn, I got to have shoulder surgery, or I got to go have surgery on my knee. It sucked, but this time it was awesome and I know a lot of y’all was probably mad after the retirement speech with John Cena, that I went into that next six months and then I retired, and I didn’t win the title.” He continued, “Everybody thought ‘man you should have won, the WWE screwed you,’ no they didn’t.

I’m the one that retired, that really quit because my body was so beat up that I would not be a great champion. When you champion, you got to fight everybody.” Henry retired from the ring following WrestleMania 33.
