Man loses six stone in less than 12 months with 1 simple change

Peter Gabbott spoke exclusively to about his transformative weight loss.


"I had known for a while that I needed to do something about my weight ," Peter Gabbott, 29, confessed. "I met the woman of my dreams years ago and asked her to marry me; the wedding is March 2025." Peter from Preston elaborated: "We both said we wanted to try to lose weight towards the end of 2023, and while I sat on the couch ordering takeaway deliveries, my partner was going to the gym for 5am.

" By January 2024, his partner had lost two stone and that made Peter realise that he too needed to make the effort. "It was important that it wasn't just for her, but also flicking that switch in my own head to get healthier for me," he said. Having enjoyed playing football as a youngster, signing up to MAN v FAT Football in late January seemed like a no-brainer.

"I have not looked back since and remain as committed as I was in my first week; I'm making good progress ahead of the wedding," said Peter. In 12 months, Peter has lost 40kg (6st 2lbs) and the simple change of joining MAN V FAT Football has had far-reaching benefits. "Since losing the weight and being a part of MAN V FAT Football I feel more myself again," said Peter, who went from 147kg in January to 109kg as of October, 2024.

"Now, I am maintaining a regular schedule of exercise and I'm keeping to it as well as monitoring my food, no weekly takeaways; instead batch cooking which helps me stick to my routine." Peter even plays with other members of MAN V FAT Football outside of the weekly game. "Honestly, I dread to think were I would be had I not found MAN V FAT Football and not found my partner and want to thank the entire Preston group who have been so welcoming and supportive," said Peter.

"Finally, from doing literally no exercise - I now play football twice a week, run at least 5k once a week and eat a lot of healthier now." Around 8,400 men currently take part at more than 150 MAN v FAT Football clubs across the UK. The programme was created to differ from traditional weight loss classes and combines the beautiful game with achievable weight loss goals for men.

Designed for overweight and obese men with a BMI of above 27.5, at MAN v FAT sessions, players are weighed, before battling it out on the pitch where the results from matches combine with a player’s individual weight loss throughout a week. Individual weight loss results combine with scored on the pitch, to contribute to a club’s overall league table.
