Mahindra sets up Rs 4,500 crore EV plant for BE 6, XEV 9e SUVs. Mahindra & Mahindra has inaugurated a new manufacturing and battery assembly facility at its Chakan plant. This new hub is dedicated to producing the company’s newly-launched electric SUVs , BE 6 and XEV 9e.
The facility is part of Mahindra’s Rs 16,000 crore investment plan for FY22–FY27, with Rs 4,500 crore allocated to EV manufacturing, powertrain development, and tech integration. Mahindra aims to establish luxury EVs in the mainstream market with the BE 6 and XEV 9e , targeting initial monthly sales of 5,000 units combined. The sprawling 88,000 m2 facility, dedicated to BEVs, features over 1,000 robots, AI-powered systems, and Industry 4.
0 technologies. Other highlights include an automated press shop, AI-driven body shop, and a robotic paint shop. The facility operates entirely on renewable energy and is a water-positive unit.
The Chakan hub also highlights the company’s progressive approach to workforce inclusivity, targeting a 25% gender diversity ratio. Mahindra BE 6, XEV 9e electric SUVs: Battery safety Built on the INGLO platform, both models offer 59kWh and 79kWh battery options, delivering ranges of up to 682 km and 656 km, respectively. With rigorous testing covering over 5.
5 million km, Mahindra revealed that these battery packs have been engineered for enhanced safety and reliability, undergoing tests for vibration, flame resistance, and immersion. Mahindra BE 6e Review: Indian EV Muscle Rivals Europe! | TOI Auto Mahindra BE 6, XEV 9e electric SUVs: Prices The Mahindra BE 6 Pack Three 79 kWh is priced at Rs 26.90 lakh, while the XEV 9e Pack Three 79 kWh costs Rs 30.
50 lakh. The Pack One 59 kWh is available at Rs 18.90 lakh for the BE 6 and Rs 21.
90 lakh for the XEV 9e. All prices are ex-showroom. By localizing battery assembly and leveraging automation, Mahindra aims to reinforce its " Make in India for the World" vision, contributing to India’s COP26 commitments for 2030.
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Mahindra sets up Rs 4,500 crore EV plant for BE 6, XEV 9e SUVs: 1,000+ robots, AI, and more
Mahindra & Mahindra opens a new manufacturing and battery assembly facility at Chakan, focusing on the production of electric SUVs BE 6 and XEV 9e. The facility, part of a Rs 16,000 crore investment, features advanced automation, runs on renewable energy, and promotes workforce inclusivity.