Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, who recently attended the grand celebration of Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary in Mumbai with his daughter and Kapoor khandaan's bahu Alia Bhatt, fondly remembered the 'Greatest Showman' of Indian cinema in an exclusive interview with Zoom. Read excerpts here! Bhatt Saab, do you think Raj Kapoor should get the Bharat Ratna? An award? The question itself is unnecessary. What can a medal add to a man who already lives in eternity? True, but to be honoured on earth is as good as it is in heaven? Raj Kapoor doesn’t need titles or trophies.
His legacy lives in the hum of Awara Hoon from a rickshaw puller, in the quiet reverence of a Russian taxi driver who fell in love for the first time watching Bobby. ALSO READ: 100 Years Of Raj Kapoor: Will Eternal Showman Of India Get Bharat Ratna? So according to you, no recognition can do Raj Kapoor justice? His altar isn’t built in official halls but in the emotions of millions who carry his stories within them. To give him an award would be to box in what should remain limitless.
So how would you define the art of Raj Kapoor? His art is Rasa, the essence of life itself: breathing, moving, and enduring in the dreams of a world he helped shape. Whether he is recognized or not doesn’t matter. His light burns on, far beyond the reach of any accolade.
This isn’t about awards. This is about life, and Raj Kapoor is alive in it. Get Latest News Live on Times Now along with Breaking News and Top Headlines from Bollywood, Entertainment News and around the world.
Mahesh Bhatt On Why Raj Kapoor Doesn’t Need Bharat Ratna: His Altar Isn’t Built In Official Halls... | EXCLUSIVE
EXCLUSIVE! Mahesh Bhatt, Now Related To The Kapoor Clan By His Daughter’s Marriage, On Why Raj Kapoor Doesn’t Need The Bharat Ratna...